
Microbiome coctail+ FLAX SEED 210 g

SKU : 30028
Price : 23 Euro (19.2 PV)
15 Euro (11.5 PV)
28.5 BGN (11.5 PV)
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Microbiome coctail+ FLAX SEED

Soft drink concentrate

The cocktail with a rich prebiotic composition has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Flaxseed has the most beneficial effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body. Source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, vitamins: A, E, B1, B3, B6, B12 microelements and phytohormones: lignans and lignins.

The effect of daily cocktail consumption:
1. ease and comfort in the digestive tract
2. no heartburn, belching, bloating,
3.physiological defecation

Microbiome Shake can be used in weight loss programs as a snack or a meal replacement.


Ingredients: linseed meal, isomaltulose, oat flour, barley beta-glucan, chicory-inulin, sesame flour, beetroot fibres, shredded seaweed phylloids, oyster butter extract, ginger root, thickeners (natural rubber: guar gum, xanthan, carob
powder, Arabica gum, konjac rubber), dry curds, leafy arabinogalactani, acidity regulator fumaric acid, dry green tea extract, dry Melissa extract, essential oil of coriander, peach aroma, sucralose. Cheese curd contains metabolites of propionic
acid bacteria. GMO-free.

This is a 100% natural product. Free of GMOs, lactose, sugar, glutamates, artificial flavors and colors. Vegetarians can accept.

Nutritional value of 1 portion: carbohydrates -1.5 g, proteins-0.5 g;
fats-less than 0.1; organic acids-0.1 g; dietary fiber-not less than 4.5 g.
Energy value of 1 portion: 20 kcal/80 kJ.


Drink preparation method:

Cocktail concentrate - powder in an individual sachet. To prepare a drink, you must mix 1 tea spoon of concentrate with 200-400 ml of warm water (25-30 C).
1. Pour the contents of the sachet into a bottle or shaker with water
2. Shake well

Take between meals or instead of meals 1-2 times a day.

It is advisable to take one serving in the evening.

If you have problems with stool - constipation or indolence, then start with 1 cocktail in the evening.

Remember to drink at least 1 liter of still water throughout the day.

It is advisable to supplement the cocktail with the reception of microbiome JELLY

Microbiome nutrition "Propy-lactica" is neither a dietary supplement nor a medicine.

This is a functional food product that can significantly improve the quality of life and is easy to use.

It was created on the basis of scientific works of foreign and Russian scientists, including academician I.N. Blokhina.

Net weight: 210 g / 25-30 portion of 7 g each